Mind and Soul Counselling Services

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Are you feeling disconnected from your partner and don’t know how to make your relationship work?

All couples have problems from time to time, but in some cases those problems grow into bigger issues that can seem unsolvable.  Counselling can help couples learn to replace negative conflict patterns with positive interactions and repair past hurt.  It can help increase closeness and intimacy to improve friendship, deepen emotional connection, and create changes which enhance the couples shared goals.

Even couples with “normal” levels of conflict can benefit from counselling.  The aim is to help couples build stronger relationships over all and healthier ways to cope with issues that arise in the future.


  • Enhance connection and intimacy
  • Improve communication
  • Conflict resolution
  • Increase trust and safety
  • Renew or rekindle the sexual intimacy and emotional connection
  • Manage anger or criticism
  • Tolerate relationship distress and build resiliency
  • Learn to respond in new ways
  • Resolve pain and betrayal associated with an indiscretion


The Gottman Method

The Gottman Method focuses on fostering healthy, lasting relationships by building a strong foundation of friendship, trust, and commitment. It emphasizes:

  1. Building Love Maps: Understanding each other’s worlds by knowing each other’s goals, worries, joys, and dreams.
  2. Nurturing Fondness and Admiration: Appreciating and respecting each other, highlighting the positives in your relationship.
  3. Turning Towards Each Other: Responding to each other’s bids for attention, affection, and support.
  4. Managing Conflict: Learning to discuss problems calmly and constructively, using techniques like soft start-ups and repair attempts.
  5. Making Life Dreams Come True: Supporting each other’s aspirations and creating shared goals.
  6. Creating Shared Meaning: Building a sense of togetherness by establishing rituals, roles, goals, and symbols.

Benefits of the Gottman Method

  • Improved Communication: Couples learn effective communication skills, enhancing their ability to express needs, resolve conflicts, and deepen understanding.
  • Stronger Emotional Connection: By nurturing fondness and admiration, couples rekindle their emotional bond and increase intimacy.
  • Conflict Management: The method provides tools to handle disagreements constructively, preventing them from escalating into damaging conflicts.
  • Increased Relationship Satisfaction: Couples develop a deeper sense of connection, trust, and mutual support, leading to greater overall satisfaction.
  • Resilience in the Face of Challenges: The Gottman Method equips couples with the resilience to face life’s challenges together, reinforcing their partnership.

My goal is to help you and your partner build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship using the principles of the Gottman Method. Whether you’re facing specific issues or simply looking to enhance your connection, this approach can provide the tools and insights needed for lasting love and harmony.